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Aubrey, Imad & Ruba

Aubrey, Imad, Ruba, & James​



Imad Aubrey is a Lebanese American minister,  ordained (Teaching Elder) in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).  After serving for almost six years, as a pastor of outreach at Town North Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Richardson, Texas, God called Imad to go back to his home country of Lebanon and to serve among locals and refugees.

Imad grew up in Lebanon. He and his wife, Ruba, relocated to the US during the war in 2006. Prior to that, Imad was the head of admissions at the American University (AUST) in Lebanon, where he also worked as an adjunct faculty and assistant Dean of Academic Affairs. 

Imad received his theological training from Westminster Theological Seminary and graduated with a Master degree in 2011. He also holds a Master degree in Quality Management from Maastricht, The Netherlands; and a Bachelor degree in Business Economics from the State University of New York.

Imad and his wife Ruba have a son, named James.



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Imad Aubrey

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Guest Speaker

Looking to engage with Muslims in your community or host a Meeting for Better Understanding (MBU) to share Christ? Reach out to explore how.

MEHR Ministries and Rev. Imad Aubrey, with many years ministry experience among refugees in the US and the Middle East and a unique perspective as a former MBB, offers training for PCA churches and individuals on understanding Islam and building meaningful connections. For insights or to invite him as a speaker, contact [email protected]. An opportunity to gain insights from a cross-cultural ministry grounded in Reformed Theology.

Donate by Check

Contributions are welcome in the form of checks or money orders, which should be addressed to MEHR Ministries. Please ensure that “Hamid Hatami” is specified as the intended recipient of your donation in a note/memo included with your check or money order.


Mail Checks To:

MEHR Ministries
P.O. Box 867254
Plano, TX 75086-7254

Year-End Giving: For 2024 tax purposes, online donations will be accepted through 12:00 p.m. midnight Central time on December 31st.