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MEHR Ministries

Middle East Heritage Reformed (“MEHR”) is a reformed ministry training and equipping servants of Christ to plant biblically faithful churches throughout the Middle East. The word “Heritage” reflects a commitment to this rich legacy.

The founder and President of MEHR Ministries is Hamid Hatami, a native of Iran, a teaching elder in the PCA, and is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary.

The Vice President is Imad Aubrey, a native of Lebanon and a teaching elder in the PCA, and is a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary.

Our Beliefs

We believe and emphasize God’s sovereignty over Creation and life, and affirm the unique divine inspiration, authority, sufficiency, and supremacy of Holy Scriptures regarding doctrine and life, and we subscribe to the historic creeds of the early church and Reformation (such as the Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, Westminster Confession of Faith, and Heidelberg catechism).

We are committed to the narrative perspective provided by Scripture’s redemptive history, the storyline that frames our understanding of biblical, systematic, philosophical, and practical theology, as well as our outlook of ministry.

For a more comprehensive understanding of our beliefs, please click here to access further reading.

God’s Kingdom

The church is growing fast in the Middle East and especially in Iran as more and more people come to Christ. However, discipleship training is sorely needed to accommodate this growth.

We seek to expand God’s kingdom by sharing the Gospel faithfully, helping believers to be nurtured in faith and supporting the underground churches.

MEHR Ministries is devoted to equipping the next generation of Christian disciples in the Middle East by developing Bible study tools and resources in their respective languages.


To glorify God in the Middle East and North Africa by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



To build Christ’s church in the Middle East and North Africa by faithfully proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples, and equipping servants for church planting through learning resources, training programs, and seminary education.


– Inerrant Word of God
– Apostles’ & Nicene Creeds
– Church Fathers
– Five Solas of the Reformation
– Heidelberg Catechism,
Canons of Dordt,
Belgic Confession
– Westminster Confession
& Catechisms
– In essentials unity,
in non-essentials liberty,
in all things charity

Why Arabic and Farsi Speakers Are Our Areas of Emphasis?

Arabic And Farsi Are The Two Major Common Languages Of The Middle East And Central Asia, Spoken By Over 423 Million People.

313 Million Speak Arabic, A Language Ranked As The World’s Fifth Most Widely Spoken Languages. 110 Million Speak Farsi, A Language Ranked Among Top 20 Of The Most Widely Languages. Besides Iran, Farsi Is Spoken In Afghanistan (Where It Is Known As “Dari”) And In Tajikistan (Where It Is Known As “Tajik”).

Farsi Bible Software & Resources in Arabic

MEHR Ministries has already developed a Farsi Bible study software for Farsi speakers, called “Mojde” (good news in Farsi). It contains a search engine, topical index, half a million cross-references and a digital library of sermons, books and other Bible study resources. The purpose of Mojde Bible Software, which was developed over the past 17 years, is to provide free online access to high-quality Bible study tools and resources for Farsi speakers.

Over the years, the number of people accessing the software has increased dramatically to 120,000. Due to the rapid technological growth and the wide-spread adoption of smart phones, MEHR Ministries constantly receive requests for new versions of the software for various platforms, including PC, Mac, Android, IOS, and Windows.

As a Christian nonprofit ministry, MEHR Ministries is poised to begin work on three major projects:

  • To develop Farsi interlinear Bible and Bible study apps for access by computer and “smart” devices.
  • To train pastors, lay leaders and other believers in the Reformed faith.
  • To provide selected Bible study and other Reformed materials for Arabic speakers.
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Copies Installed On the Smart Phones

Get in Touch

If the Lord is leading you to support MEHR Ministries, please contact us.

A Voice of Reformed Orthodox Faith