Preaching and Teaching the New Testament Use Of The Old Testament

(For Pastors, Elders, and Other Interested Christians)


April 2023




Dr. Greg Beale 

Rev. Dr. Gregory K. Beale (PhD, Cambridge) is a professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Dallas. Dr. Beale’s academic interests include the New Testament’s use of the Old Testament, the book of Revelation, the biblical-theological theme of temple as the dwelling place of God, and the topic of inerrancy, among others.

Dr. Benjamin Gladd

Dr. Benjamin L. Gladd (PhD, Wheaton College) is professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary. He has written several books on biblical theology and the New Testament Use of the OT, edits the Essential Studies in Biblical Theology series, and serves on the editorial board of Themelios.


The primary purpose of this conference is to provide continuing education to pastors and to refresh them in some of the biblical-theological approaches, which they learned in seminary. All of this is with a view to enhancing the expository preaching of pastors and the teaching of elders. This is not a conference where pastors and elders sit on the sidelines, listening to one plenary address or sermon after another. There will be break-out sessions for workshops and question and answer sessions. While this conference is primarily targeting pastors/teachers, we would love to have laypeople join us—men, women, college and seminary students. 

A “how-to” approach to doing biblical theology for teaching and preaching: the biblical-theological richness of the OT in the NT.

The different ways the NT uses the OT, which is at the heart of biblical theology.

Discuss and apply the content of the preceding two plenary sessions, including question and answer period. 

A methodological approach to studying an OT reference used in the NT.

Discussion (including questions and answers) about how biblical theology (specifically the NT use of the OT) can be oriented toward composing an expository sermon, a Sunday school lesson or a Bible Study session. (questions and answer session)

Finding Christ in the Old Testament and Following the Apostle’s Interpretive Approach.


The Hope Center
2001 W Plano Pkwy, Plano, TX 75075​


Registration due is April 22nd, 2023
